Saturday, June 24, 2017

Steps for Preparing Business Message

Steps For Preparing Business Message:

1.Determine the purpose:
 The first step in the preparation of a message is to have a clear idea about the message. The desired results will not be attained if the purpose of the message is not determined. In general, there are three purposes of a message. These are as;

–To inform
–To persuade
–To entertain

 2. Analyze the audience/receiver:
•After determining the purpose of message, we are to see who the audience is and what the occasion of the speech is. The audience may comprise internal and external people. We should have a clear vision/ information about mental approach of the audience. We should be well acquainted with the likings, disliking or priorities of listeners. The writer should also bear in mind the age, gender, cultural background, academic background, and social background of the reader/listeners while arranging the message.

 3. Select the topic and thesis:
 The next step in the preparation of message is to select the topic. The topic should be clear, vivid, appealing interesting and relevant to the main purpose. Thesis is the topic in the form of a declarative statement. For example;
Topic: Smuggling
Thesis: Smuggling is a serious problem for home industries.

 4. Select the main idea of the message:
 The selection of ideas is the next step in the preparation of the message. The sender should take over the ideas that best suits the message. He, then, should take down the conceived ideas. For this purpose we may discuss with others or use some printed material. The ideas should cover all the aspects of the thesis.

5. Research the topic:

 We may not possess every kind of information regarding our topic or main idea.
For this purpose we should collect some facts, data, and information so as to make our topic more convincing, informative persuasive reliable and authentic.

6. Organize the data and write the draft:     
After gathering requisite pieces of information, we should organize them in the form of proper sequence so that the receiver may not have any trouble in understanding the message. It should have the beginning, the middle and conclusion.


Technology and communication

Technology and communication:

    In a more traditional society, the best way to communicate with each other would be through face to face contact. This means meeting up with friends or going to your favorite meet up spot. But, the world is constantly evolving and so is technology. Technology is extremely important as it has changed the way we communicate with one another.

Historically, communication was limited because there

the methods were slow and limited.
through the mailman, which took days and weeks to
receive the mail.

Traditional ways of communication:

Technology has changed the way we interact and communicate with others. With the increased use of social based networks, people can create new relationships and also discover old friends.

Business communication often relies on the use of technology to connect and facilitate the flow of information among individuals, groups, and organizations.

Technologies for e-mailing, messaging, video conferencing, and document-sharing in most organizations are fully integrated into how work is conducted and how people interact.

Examples of technology use in communication:

Organizations use communication technology to support and drive their business activities. Some examples of technology used to communicate in business include:

ØE-mail among employees, management, and customers
ØSocial media sites used to communicate with customers
ØVideo conferencing used to hold meetings with remote workers
ØSMS (texting) among employees
ØInternet marketing as way to advertise products and services to customers
ØMobile marketing strategies to advertise products to customers based on their current location

Benefits of using technology:

Using the smart phones, chatting online, and using programs such as Skype can be while walking, driving or flying.
Programs such as Skype enable users to talk to family and friends while out of state or in another country.
Not only convenient and easy to use programs like Skype cost less than having a home phone so it is very popular among students.
For more professional uses the smart phone is widely used. People are using it for work, and business.
Many companies have recognized that with these devices employees can work from anywhere so efficiency.
Communication might be through chatting online. It might be collecting or sending information.


Steps for Preparing Business Message

Steps For Preparing Business Message : 1.Determine the purpose:  The first step in the preparation of a message is to have a clear ide...