Sunday, June 18, 2017

Job Letter - Introduction, explaination and method

What is job letter? What points should be kept in mind while writing it?
Job Application / Letter
An application for a situation is a very important letter. it is a kind of sales advertising of the applicant's own self. In it he tries to sell his knowledge, services, skill experience and training. As this letter is concerned with the writer's whole future, it should be drafted most carefully.
An application written to an employer for a job is called job letter or application letter.
Types of Application Letter
All letters or application may be divided into two categories namely.
1. Solicited
2. Unsolicited
  1. Solicited application:
    "A solicited letter of an application is one which is generally written in response to an advertisement from the employer."
  2. Unsolicited application:
    "An unsolicited letter of application is for a job which has not been advertised by the perspective employer."
    A Job Application as Sales Letter
    An application for job is kind of sales letter in which the applicant  intends to sell his services for the employer at the best price available. In job letter the candidate is not only a product but also person who intends to sell/render his services /skill and knowledge at suitable price whereas the employer is buyer who intends to hire the services of the applicant
    The purpose of the job letter is to attract the attention of the employer and convince him so that he may confer upon the candidate opportunity of interview. In job letter, preferences of the employer have always been of vital importance. So we can say that a job letter  in itself is sales letter.
    Response to a Job Offer
    Before you begin to write application:
  • Ensure you have researched the employer and the position you are applying for
  • Identify which of your skills, attributes, knowledge, experience and qualifications are going to appeal to the employer the most.
What to include:
  • Customise every job letter so it’s relevant to the employer and a particular job.
  • Focus on what the employer wants to know, not what you want from them. Try to convince them that you can do the job, that you’ll do a great job and that you’ll fit in and be an asset to their organization.
  • Make sure you include your contact details.
Keep your letter to no more than one page—you don't want to overwhelm the employer with too much information.
In the opening paragraph, explain the purpose of your letter. Mention the position you are applying for and where you heard about it or where it was advertised. 
In the next paragraph, show you can do the job and do it really well—you should focus on covering concisely your qualifications, skills, abilities and experience. Highlight what makes you perfect for the job advertised.
Next, highlight how keen you are to work for the company and why. Try to give some information about what type of person you are. Keep in mind what you know about the employer and mention the personal qualities you have that you think they are looking for.
Before finishing, thank them for taking the time to review your application. Also mention any attachments including your resume and any work examples. Before sending your application, you should also complete the following check:
  1. Don’t send too much—employers are very busy and will not want to be bombarded with information they haven’t asked for. 
  2. Send only copies of your documents.  If the employer has requested copies of certificates and other formal documents, send copies only.  You can show them the originals if required at your interview.
  3. Ensure your application is professionally presented as employers pride themselves on their professionalism and are looking at your application to ensure that you share their values.  For example:
    • Type your application, unless they specify for you to write it
    • Use clean A4 paper
    • Don’t make manual corrections, such as crossing something out or using correction fluid
    • Make sure it is easy to read—the print is clear, there are spaces between paragraphs, a suitable font size and appropriate margins
    • Use an A4 envelope so that you don't have to fold your application
    • Use a standard font, nothing too fancy
    • Number the pages in the application and include your name in the header or footer of each page just in case they become separated.
    • If posting your application, make sure you send it in plenty of time, otherwise try and drop it off in person.

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